UMC Utrecht


Equipment for immuno-EM

  • 1 FEI Tecnai 20 (also for electron tomography) and 1 FEI Tecnai 12 electron microscope
  • 1 Jeol 1200 EX and 1 Jeol 1010 electron microscope
  • 5 Leica ultra-microtomes
  • 1 Leica high-pressure freezer
  • 1 Balzers critical point dryer
  • 1 leica freeze substitution machine


Equipment for light microscopy / live-cell imaging

  • 1 Zeiss CLSM 510 live-cell imaging station with 32 PMT meta-detector
  • 1 Zeiss Ultraview Live-cell imager
  • 1 DeltaVision RT core system equipped with lasers for FRAP, FLIP and FRET
  • 1 Widefield microscope equipped with a Cairn monochromator
  • Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Carl Zeiss LSM 700