contest_2019_EM Posted on October 23, 2019 by biu_0711 EM01 Air waves microscope: JEOL 1011 electron microscope description: EM image of a part of a tracheole, a branch of the insect airway system, between the circular and longitudinal muscle cell layers of the Drosophila intestinal wall Author: Ann De Mazière EM02 The beginning and the end microscope: Scanning EM description: The picture came from observing the head of a bee, more specifically the eye Author: Ines Martins EM03 Magic Forest microscope: Phenom PRO desktop scanning electron microscope description: It is a 360x magnification of antennas of a bee Author: Xudong Ouyang EM04 Sleeping Giant microscope: Phenom Desktop SEM description: 280x magnification of the eye of a moth Author: Paul Stege EM05 Cells and staining in Las Vegas microscope: Tecnai 12 / DeltaVision widefield microscope description: It occurred in some photoshop experimentation to find the best way of overlaying Fluorescence and EM images, it’s an inverted color set. While not very informative, it makes a very colorful image. It reminded me of the many colorful lights in Las Vegas. The EM picture is a stitch made with serial EM software on a Tecnai 12, the fluorescence is from a DeltaVision widefield microscope. I’d like to place it in the category ‘Electron microscopy’ images of the competition Author: Jan van der Beek EM06 The excessive cruelty of antibiotics on bacteria microscope: Tecnai T12 description: A new antibiotic compound appears to rip apart the bacterial cell wall and leave only the mutilated bacterial remains behind… No survivors were found in this sample Author: Marco Viveen EM07 Rising Phoenix microscope: Phenom PRO desktop scanning electron microscope description: A 320x magnification of the wing of a moth Author: Samantha van der Beek