Upright fluorescence microscope Olympus BX53

Upright fluorescence microscope Olympus BX53

Catia Frias and Marleen van Coevorden are discussing the external control of synaptic cargo transport

Primary tasks: Imaging of fixed samples

Microscope: Olympus BX53

UPLSAPO 20xO 0,85 oil
UPLFLN 40xO /1,3 oil
UPLSAPO 60xO /1,35 oil
UPLSAPO 100xO /1,4 oil

Camera: Photometrics CoolSNAP HQ2 CCD

UV – U-FUNA (360-370 / 410 DM / 420-460 EM)
C – U-FCFP (425-445 / 455 DM / 460-510 EM)
Y – U-FYFP (490-500 / 515 DM / 515-560 EM)
G – U-FGFP (460-480 / 490 DM / 495-540 EM)
R – U-FMCHE (565-585 / 595 DM / 600-690 EM)
G/R – Chroma ET-GFP/mCherry (59022)

Software: Olympus CellSens Dimension



Dr. Ilya Grigoriev
The head of the Biology Imaging Center
Division of Cell Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University

Room O-504
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht,
The Netherlands